Dont do it!
In the grand scheme of a substantially sized project it is easy to overlook and/or just plain out ignore the smaller tasked performed. Normally these tasks are on a ‘to do’ list but usually somewhere at the bottom, somewhere between ‘Opening Day’ and ‘Holy Smokes, we forgot!’
You’ve had your concrete guys pour and set your curb-lines and the pavers have laid the asphalt; you’re done! That’s the norm, in an effort to change thinking a little, consider this. Waiting until the weeks before opening day is going to significantly impact on your budget. A kick in the wallet when you’re crushing down the home stretch is a good way to ruin a day or week. Early maintenance is key!
Once the lots are opened, it is crucial to maintain the cleanliness of them. Having them maintained early on reduces the cost of power washing and flooding the construction debris off and reduces labor and sweeping cost too.
This customer decided to act sooner than later and had us come out to their property to clean the grounds. Although the project was well on its way and the entire clean up took about 16 hours, it is now up to a manageable level. Going forward, each subsequent service will be substantially less in cost and labor time. The gallery below highlights only one of the lots that surrounds a million+ sq ft warehouse.