The new year typically brings promise, hope and prosperity. 2020 easily wins the gold for rockiest start of a decade. All this turmoil whilst surviving this “New Normal” COVID-19 has thrusted us into; masks, gloves, face shields, sanitizer, quarantines, and social distance.
WSBTV, a local Cox Media affiliate, has brought attention to one unfortunate recent consequence of the need for Personal Protection Equipment (PPE). What we are finding is that disposal PPE is left on our grounds and water ways. Many large parking lots are being littered by patrons of the property and recent flooding act as a catalyst for the PPE to end up in our water ways.
“…as for PPE pollution, the trouble spots are large open areas like parking lots”, reports Matt Johnson
[Photo Credit:WSB]
What does this mean for you?
This pollution can wreak havoc on the wildlife as well as on our potable water supply. The disposal materials can often break down to minuscule levels in the rain and affect fish and other wildlife in the water ways and surrounding environments. On surface parking lots much of the litter finds its way into our stormwater system which will then become a problem for water authorities treating water for consumption and other use. While many PPE manufacturers are making extended use or reusable protection equipment, a substantial amount if disposal supply is sold and used. The solution? Multifaceted but one approach to help mitigate the problem is to have constant and recurring sweeping services performed on parking lots-namely larger scale properties, hospitals and testing facilities. We professionally detail clean and remove such waste with truck mounted powerful sweeping machines and then properly dispose of debris collected. Removing potentially contaminated debris and disposing of it properly and regularly will help ensure that people and our surrounding environments stay clean and free of the gloves and masks we are growing accustomed to.
What can you do to help?
- Do your part, don’t litter.
- Bring PPE ridden parking lots to business management or city officials’ attention when applicable
- Encourage others to to use reusable PPE
- Give us a call or share our contact with proper officials
- Follow all CDC posted guidelines for PPE use and disposal
Have a look at Matt Johnson’s story on the WSB site by following the link. WSB News Story
For any immediate or scheduled sweeping needs we are one email or phone call away. You can also request service quotes through our contact page here. Free Quotes